
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why I Vend

As the weekend approaches, specifically Saturday when I often vend at the Bellingham Farmers Market I have to pause and remind myself why I do it. I work alone and have done so since 1994 when I quit my job at A&M Records in Los Angeles. I get a little kooky spending all that time on my own and I decided a few years ago that I should get involved with the Market. First I was on the board and donated my time as a designer. That turned into a paying gig and after a few years I decided I wanted to try my hand at vending. It's like playing store but with real money and credit cards. Many Saturdays between April and October I show up at 8:30am with my car laden with things I have concocted in my studio to sell. The real highlight though beyond selling things I have made is the connection I feel to the Market community. I don't attend church, I don't really volunteer, I live a limited existence going between my house and Mark's house and Pearl's school.

The market is open for 5 hours between 10am and 3pm and it is non stop chit chat with customers, vendors and of course friends. I have been bringing Pearl with me too, not every week but some. I get great pleasure in watching her world expand via the Market community as well. The monetary gains may be dubious but the wealth of connection is palpable.

See you saturday.


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